Our most important resource at Gomero is our coworkers, as we are convinced that sustainability and success begin with the individual. Get to know Petra Forsmark!

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Tell us a little about yourself!

I have an engineering degree from Chalmers University and have worked at Gomero since the spring of 2021. My main interests are wave surfing and dogs.

Why do you think people want to work at Gomero?

I think Gomero has a unique way of seeing its coworkers, they take good care of the individual in a sustainable way. Because Gomero is a small company, you get to know your colleagues well, there is good togetherness where the whole organization feels like a team. At the same time, it’s an inclusive culture, so you get a clear overview of how the business functions as a whole.

You don't actually work on site with us, but are based in Sri Lanka. How does it work?

It works very well! It’s a huge freedom because I can work from the place that suits me and my lifestyle. It’s a flexible workplace that I haven’t seen in many other places – both the attitude and that they invest in the technology to include me remotely.

At Gomero we believe in self-leadership, what does that mean to you?

For me, it gives a feeling of being able to work independently without any hierarchical control. This makes you feel trusted in your work tasks.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability for me is of course partly about the environment, but also about my lifestyle, that is, getting a daily life that makes me happy. I don’t want to be completely exhausted when the weekend comes, or after the end of the working day. I want a pleasant working environment that also provides space for privacy. This is something that Gomero as a workplace supports me in.