Our purpose

With innovation through curiosity, Gomero enable predictive maintenance for critical infrastructure. We place high demands not only on our solutions but also on our processes. To contribute to sustainable development, we have made the Global Goals a fundamental driving force that permeates the entire organisation.

Sustainable development

Gomero's focus is around goal 9, contributing to building resilient infrastructure, working for an inclusive and sustainable industry and promoting innovation.

Moreover, Gomero want to contribute to equipping the infrastructure and adapting the energy industry to make them sustainable through efficient use of resources with clean, environmentally friendly technologies and processes. In doing so, all countries take measures in accordance with their respective conditions.

At the same time, goal 17 is central to Gomero as we are convinced that in order to succeed we must see this as a joint project for sustainable development both locally and globally.

The focus should be on strengthening the work of the new Partnership for Sustainable Development and supplementing it with multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and exchange knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries.

It starts with ourselves

- Sustainability has gone from being something only talked about to seeing what incredible possibilities it actually has. I am convinced that sustainability "for real" must come from us as individuals and coworkers, or to quote a source of inspiration for us at Gomero; "if we as individuals do not live sustainably and take care of ourselves, the rest will not matter so much".

Jan-Eric Nilsson, CEO at Gomero